September 26, 2023 | 09:00-12:00 AM CEST | Online
End-users’ challenges in the local value chain: Further building on the insights
The costs of harvesting, transporting, storing and handling biomass are prime determinants of overall bioref ining costs.
Thus, it is vitally important to develop local biomass supply systems that can eff iciently supply end-users with suff icient raw material that meets their specif ic quality and seasonal demands.
Deeper insights into the challenges and solutions connected to developing a local biomass supply system.
Industries, SMEs, farmers, public authorities, research & academia, civil society organization acting in bioeconomy value chains in SCALE-UP regions (Northern Sweden (SE), Mazovia (PL), French Atlantic Arc (FR), Upper Austria (AT), Strumica (MK), Andalusia (ES), Community of practice).
End-users’ challenges in the local value chain: Further building on the insights, Magnus Matisons, Biofuel Region
Biocomposites based on olive pruning fibers for automotive and furniture. Industrial end-users and the creation of a biomass value chain, Juan Pablo Ferrer, FUNDACIÓN ANDALTEC (R&D+I technological center)