The SCALE-UP will extend existing infrastructures in the six SCALE-UP regions and establish platforms for innovation support.

Within the platforms, dedicated steering groups will be set up, whose role will be to engage with the entire spectrum of bioeconomy stakeholders in the region, ensuring the effective exchange of knowledge and facilitating matchmaking among regional actors, and to oversee the implementation of targeted innovation support services.

SCALE-UP will establish six regional platforms, which are linked to existing infrastructures of the regional project partners. Within the six focal regions, large parts of the population live in rural areas, and agriculture and/or forestry account for significant shares of the local economy. The regions have been selected as case studies because they hold available a range of promising ‘valorisation options’ (bio-based solutions building on regional biomass streams) in the agriculture and forestry sectors, which can be replicated in the respective countries and macro-regions. The geographical distribution of SCALE-UP’s focal regions is depicted in Figure below.

Read more information about our focal regions in detail:





In our Andalusian Bioeconomy Platform, the following are our members.


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