SCALE-UP's spanish project partner CTA organizes an international meeting in Linares on opportunities of the olive bioeconomy

The SCALE-UP project, a European Union-funded project dedicated to fostering the bioeconomy across Europe, successfully convened a dynamic regional platform meeting in Linares, Andalusia, on 6 June 2024. The event, themed "Bioeconomy in the olive sector as a lever for economic and social transformation," brought together over 80 stakeholders, including the Mayoress of Linares, Auxi del Olmo, underscoring the strong regional support for olive bioeconomy innovation.

Organized by project partners CTA (Technological Corporation of Andalusia) with collaboration with the University of Jaén (UJA), the Andalucía Emprende Foundation, and the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI), the meeting showcased the immense potential of the olive sector to drive sustainable economic growth and job creation in Andalusia.

"The bioeconomy is poised to be a driving force of progress in this century," declared Mayoress del Olmo, emphasizing the City Council's commitment to fostering Linares as a hub of bio-based innovation. This sentiment was echoed by CTA President, Beltrán Pérez, who highlighted the significant role of Andalusia's abundant olive groves in unlocking the region's bioeconomy potential.

A key focus of the event was connecting research and innovation with practical applications. Participants gained insights into groundbreaking R&D&I projects and funding opportunities designed to accelerate the development and commercialization of olive-based bio-products. Presentations from organizations such as the Andaltec Foundation R&D&I Technological Center, Bioliza, Ecogestiona, Smallops, and Naturphenolive provided concrete examples of the olive bioeconomy in action.

The SCALE-UP project is playing a pivotal role in establishing a thriving bioeconomy ecosystem in Andalusia and beyond. By connecting stakeholders, facilitating knowledge exchange, and supporting innovative projects, the project is helping to unlock the full potential of the olive sector and pave the way for a more sustainable future.

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